ThE RIASEC TEST Turn the page to see what this R I A S E C R I A S E C Grand Total R I A S E C Add up the number of filled in circles in each column and then add the two columns together …
Which Career Pathway is right for you? Follow these easy steps to see where your interests are. Read each statement. If you agree with the statement, fill in the circle. There are no wrong …
2019年5月5日 · The Holland Occupational Themes is a theory of personality that focuses on career and vocational choice. It groups people on the basis of their suitability for six different …
This activity is based on the RIASEC, or John Holland’s Code, which classifies people and jobs into six categories: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. This …
The RIASEC Inventory is designed to help people identify their most dominant work interests and then use this information to explore career options. It uses the RIASEC coding system …
Take the free Riasec Test online. Discover your career interests and match them to potential job opportunities. Download a blank version of the Riasec Test in PDF and Word formats.
RIASEC assessment should be used to learn about oneself and to expand the range of occupations he is considering. Career inventories, in particular, are designed to assist in …
RIASEC TEST. WHICH CAREER PATHWAY IS RIGHT FOR YOU? RESULTS OF THE TEST. These people are often good at mechanical or athletic jobs. Good college majors for Realistic …
Instructions: On the following two pages there is a list of various activities and a list of occupations. Using the scale below: • For each activity write the number that best describes …