all teppanyaki entrees include japanese clear onion soup, crisp green salad, seasonal mixed vegetables, grilled noodles, fried rice, and kobe famous dipping sauces. FILET MIGNON SIRLOIN STEAK
An impressive and unforgettable cut of meat from the finest *beef tenderloin - it’s so tender! 18% Gratuity is added to parties of 4 guests or more. We are serving your favorite Kobe Entrees in our lunch dining room. See the menu for Kobe Steak House in St. Louis, MO. Open daily for dine-in!
Enjoy a unique high energy dining experience at St. Louis’ favorite and most authentic Japanese steakhouse. Skilled Teppanyaki chefs will artfully prepare the complete meal at your Hibachi table to your specification as they entertain with skills and humor.
Please select your preferred Kobé location below to book a reservation! An automatic 18% service charge will be applied to all checks. 100% of service charge is paid out to our employees. Large Parties: We offer limited online booking availability, with communal seating, for large parties with 11-20 people.