Castlevania is an American adult animated dark fantasy action television series created and written by Warren Ellis for Netflix, and is produced by Frederator Studios's Kevin Kolde and Fred Seibert [1] and Shankar Animation's Adi Shankar.
Castlevania: Created by Warren Ellis. With Richard Armitage, James Callis, Alejandra Reynoso, Theo James. A vampire hunter fights to save a besieged city from an army of otherworldly creatures controlled by Dracula.
Castlevania is a horror action-adventure animated series set in a dark fantasy Medieval world loosely based on the video game series of the same name, released on Netflix worldwide.
A vampire hunter fights to save a besieged city from an army of otherworldly beasts controlled by Dracula himself. Inspired by the classic video games. This dark series features the voices of Richard Armitage ("The Hobbit") and James Callis ("Battlestar Galactica").
Inspired by the popular video game series, this anime series is a dark medieval fantasy. It follows the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, Trevor Belmont, trying to save...
1 天前 · The highly anticipated Castlevania: Nocturne season two is gearing up for its bloody debut this Thursday, and fans of the gothic horror series could not get more thrilled. Netflix recently dropped the final trailer ahead of the new season’s release, offering a teasing glimpse of what is to come.