The Ink Demon, also known as Ink Bendy or simply Bendy, is the main antagonist of the Bendy franchise. He is a failed attempt at creating the Joey Drew Studios 's popular mascot Bendy in …
Bendy and the Ink Machine is a first person survival that resembles several cartoons in the 1920s to 1940s. The player plays as Henry Stein, a retired animator who returns to his old workplace, …
The Ink Demon, referred to as Ink Bendy in external media, is the titular main antagonist of the Bendy franchise. The very first creation of the Ink Machine, he was an attempt at recreating …
Bendy and the Ink Machine is an episodic survival horror video game and the first installment of the Bendy series developed by Joey Drew Studios Inc. (Kindly Beast), lead by theMeatly and …
Bendy and the Ink Machine is an indie first person puzzle-action-horror game with a unique cartoon atmosphere and an intense, frightening story line that keeps you guessing throughout.
The Ink Machine is Joey Drew Studios' purchased machinery from the Bendy Franchise. The massive ink-powered machine was installed by the cartoon studio's owner Joey Drew and the …
Ink Bendy is the main antagonist of the Bendy Franchise, and a failed attempt at creating the studio's popular mascot Bendy in real life in an attempt to bring cartoon characters to reality by …