用来衡量MOEX Russia Index期权隐含波动率的 Russian Volatility Index – RVI 上升2.60%至39.06。
MOEX Russia Index 中表现最好的股票为Gazprom PJSC (MCX: GAZP ),上涨1.63%(1.95点),收盘报价为121.70。同时,PhosAgro PJSC (MCX: PHOR )上涨了1.49%(94.00点) ...
Russia has not lost the desire to improve its relations with the United States, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an ...
Chissà che non si avveri. La 乌克兰战争 giunge al giorno 1.036 e il presidente Zelensky ha pronunciato parole di speranza: “Che il ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Russia recognizes there is no easy resolution to the Ukrainian crisis and holds no illusions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday. "We have had no ...
Xi Jinping, secretário-geral do Comitê Central do Partido Comunista da China (PCCh) e presidente chinês, reuniu-se nesta ...
近日,俄罗斯商品馆在全国各地疯狂开店。但不少消费者反映,其销售的商品并非全部产自俄罗斯,且并没有明显标志,俄罗斯商品馆站上风口浪尖。对此,齐鲁晚报·齐鲁壹点记者多方采访调查。博主举报:加上俄罗斯字样,就成了俄罗斯生产?在网络上IP名为“BUG”的博主 ...
西方国家近年来对涉及俄罗斯的金融交易设置了多项禁令。由于中国政府并未参与相关制裁,导致香港的金融机构陷入困境。据日本媒体报道,美国财政部一名高官本月在香港和多家主要银行的代表会面,警告他们不要与俄罗斯有贸易往来。分析人士认为,这一举措对香港国际金融中 ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 20 (Xinhua) -- Russia launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons on Friday morning in retaliation for Ukrainian attacks on its chemical plant with Western-made missiles.
91 anni fa nasceva la Nissan, simbolo della forza automobilistica giapponese. Oggi dopo tante innovazioni e successi, la casa affronta una profonda crisi e punta a una fusione con Honda per rafforzars ...