While an antimatter engine is very far off, researching it could yield other discoveries as well.
There's a significant imbalance between matter and antimatter in our universe, but a strange particle called "the Majoron" could finally explain it, an audacious new study suggests.
Scientists have recently made an astonishing discovery regarding an elusive particle known as antimatter. This extraordinary find suggests that antimatter has the potential to generate more energy ...
The problem is that almost all fundamental particle reactions produce exact numbers of matter and antimatter particles, which then go on to annihilate each other in flashes of energy. But the ...
With a project of this size—around 800 miles long, to be precise—other discoveries are also possible. In fact, a recently ...
One of the most puzzling questions in modern cosmology is why the universe is filled with matter in the first place. The problem is that almost all fundamental particle reactions produce exact numbers ...
Using a machine learning technique to analyse the decay products of the nuclei produced in these collisions, the ALICE team ...