Electricity Today T&D Magazine is a leading Electrical Transmission and Distribution magazine distributed FREE OF CHARGE (in print and/or digital format) to North American T&D electric utility ...
The mining industry uses a large amount of electric power. Their equipment is subject to extreme environmental conditions and mechanical shock. A significant number of electrical accidents are a ...
A high-level delegation from Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) recently visited China in bid to build closer ties with Chinese renewable and clean energy and smart services and smart grid ...
Establishing preventative maintenance programs is becoming critical to maintaining the uptime of electrical equipment and can significantly reduce both planned and unplanned downtime. Unplanned ...
NEW YORK STATE - Electricity use is up sharply this summer, but in a windowless room near Albany that is the nerve center of New York StateÂ’s grid, controllers have noticed that something else is not ...
The combination of the noise and shadows generated by the town’s wind turbine has rankled some neighbors who voiced their frustration to the Town Council during its meeting Monday. Mark DePasquale, ...
New projects are under development throughout the region to help reduce energy costs for Southeast Alaska residents. A panel presented some of those during last week’s Southeast Conference annual fall ...
First Nuclear Reactors Built in 30 Years Take Shape ...
Las Vegas - Rolling blackouts could strike Las Vegas this summer, national grid experts predicted Wednesday, in what could be an uncanny replay of California in 2000. Just the way California's crisis ...
Acting as a barrier to prevent animals from gaining access to power lines and substations via utility power poles, Pole Guard is a popular product for deterring squirrels and other animals for power ...
Iran has turned six percent of its thermal power plans into combined cycle plants in order to reduce greenhouse gases and save energy, IRNA reported, quoting an energy official. According to the MAPNA ...
The federal government will spend $2 million on an engineering study to improve the Atlantic region's electricity grid. The study was announced Friday at a news conference held by 10 federal and ...