USB-C is finally overtaking Lightning as the default power connector for iPhones, but what is the difference between the two ...
The iPhone 15 is selling for less than Rs 50,000 on Flipkart. Heres how to avail of this offer. In terms of features, the ...
John P. Falcone is the senior director of commerce content at CNET, where he coordinates coverage of the site's buying recommendations alongside the CNET Advice team (where he previously headed ...
Apple is being forced to discontinue some of its most popular iPhone models ahead of schedule due to a USB regulation.
苹果此前曾强烈反对这个提议,称强制使用Type-C接口就是扼杀创新,损害消费者利益,同时还会产生更多的电子垃圾,因为会有更多Ligtning生态系统里的配件无法使用。 但胳膊拗不过大腿,2022年10月4日,欧洲议会以压倒性优势通过法案, ...
在科技界掀起了波澜的苹果,近日宣布将在欧盟地区逐步停售多款iPhone产品,包括人气颇高的iPhone 14、iPhone 14 Plus以及iPhone SE3。这一变化已经率先在瑞士实施,相关产品已被从市场中撤下。原因在哪儿呢?那是因为欧盟推出了一项引人注目的新规定,要求所有新上市的智能手机必须统一配备USB-C接口。而iPhone 15系列在此之前的机型则依然坚持使用Lightning接口。
The iPhone 15 and 15 Pro are now available at discounts of up to Rs 12,000 on platforms like Flipkart, with attractive bank ...
近期,苹果公司在iPhone接口问题上迎来了重大转折。多年来,苹果用户早已习惯了其专用的Lightning接口,这一设计与安卓设备普遍采用的Type-C接口截然不同。Lightning接口不仅独特,还附带苹果的MFI认证机制,未通过该认证的数据线可能 ...
The iPhone 15 Plus is now available at a discounted price of Rs 63,999 on Flipkart, offering a savings of over Rs 15,000.