Imagine a world without smartphones, computers, or the internet. It’s impossible without the transistor! This video explores how these tiny components transformed technology, enabling everything ...
The 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics went to William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen for the invention of the transistor. But these talented scientists did not act alone. Their success ...
PBS1 个月
Lesson 3
A transistor is a tiny device that either switches electric current on and off or amplifies an electric current. The original transistors were small cylinders, a bit larger than a pencil eraser. Over ...
That demonstration led to many wonderful things but especially to the invention of the transistor radio which was so important a part of my youth. My Dad talked about his home-made crystal set ...
PBS1 个月
Lesson 1
Play the video Transistorized!. As students watch, tell them to make a list of key factors that helped the Bell Labs scientists invent the transistor. If time does not permit playing the entire ...
That transistor, a junction transistor ... most notably in Stockholm to receive the 1956 Physics Nobel Prize for their joint invention. While Brattain and Bardeen spent much of the time there ...
It is widely agreed, for instance, that William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the first transistor in 1947. Such inventions and discoveries were based on research conducted ...
Transistors are no doubt one of humankinds greatest inventions. However, the associated greatness brings with it unprecedented complexity under the hood. To fully understand how a transistor works ...
The transistor is made from a recently invented ... The researchers behind the invention admit there's a long way to go ...
That’s from before the time most of us were born and not many years after the invention of the transistor in late 1947. QRP in HAM-speak technically stands for a request to “reduce power” or ...