Discover the hidden lives of insects in "A Real Bug's Life" Season 2, where groundbreaking tech and vivid storytelling bring ...
True to their name, tiger beetles are ambush predators that pounce on their insect in an aggressive, "tiger-like" manner. They seize their prey with long, sickle-like mandibles, and they are often the ...
From charismatic macrofauna to tiny sea squirts, here are some species formally identified by scientists in 2024.
The Miami tiger beetle — a diminutive, iridescent native of Florida — was first discovered and described in the 1930s. But after its discovery, it wasn't seen again for six decades, when it was found ...
CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu’s V Sharan has turned a childhood fascination into a mission to protect one of nature’s most elusive predators — tiger beetles. A naturalist from Rajapalayam, Sharan ...
“The tiger beetles can only be found in these open, bare patches of sandy, moist soil, where they use their acute eyesight to hunt small invertebrate prey,” the center wrote in its release ...