"Each of these species is a critical piece of a functioning, healthy ecosystem." New report put spotlight on discovered ...
However, the diet also include vertebrates much larger than itself such as mice, young hares and rabbits, nestling birds, salamanders, and snakes. Plant foods, e.g., beechnuts and other seeds, berries ...
The masked shrew displays characters typical of all shrews. The slender, cylindrical body has a short, velvety, directionless fur. The long, tapered head ends in a flexible, tubular snout, with the ...
And shrews are fearsome predators ... Like cobras, mambas, and other venomous snakes. And sure, it takes guts to battle a full-hooded cobra but there’s more to this bravery than meets the ...
With a voracious appetite for insects, a long snout, and beady little eyes, the Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew is one intriguing mammal. Today, 95 percent of its former one-million-acre wetland and ...