Upper right: radial projection perpendicular to the beam. Lower right: side projection along the beam. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted ...
The component fits over the shaft and the locking device fits over the component hub projection. The locking device exerts a radial force that transmits through the hub and onto the shaft, ...
After a suitable "radial" projection, this evolution is described by a billiard motion on hyperbolic space (which is "chaotic" in many physically interesting cases). On the other hand, for certain ...
Azimuth Direction,Conventional Imaging,Cubic Interpolation,Direct Reconstruction,Filtered Back Projection,Image Noise,Image Reconstruction,Image Resolution,Imaging ...
It is composed of a multiwire proportional chamber and a radial projection chamber on the same mechanical structure with cylindrical symmetry. Some special features are described which makes it ...