Nandgaon is Krishna 's village, while Barsana is where his beloved Radha was from. Holi celebrations at these two villages, which start a week before the actual festival underline the core essence ...
so Radha clearly didn’t mind Krishna’s little practical joke. Some people believe this is why, during Holi, everyone pelts each other with the perfumed gulal powder. It could also be why one ...
Huge bonfires are lit on the eve of Holi to commemorate the burning of the demon Holika or of good winning over evil. The day of Holi itself celebrates love, commemorating the intimate loving ...
Yellow is one of the most popular colors thrown during Holi. Called gulal, the fine powder is made from a mixture of starch and dyes. One factory in India, Radha Kishan Color World, produces 2,000 ...