Despite considerable progress in the fight against poverty since 1990, over 800 million people, 70% of whom are women, still live in extreme poverty. The new Sustainable Development Agenda will now ...
By engaging local communities and grassroots organizations, the SPLC is organizing to build the political power of Black and Brown people in the Deep South.
The first Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 1: No Poverty, includes specific targets to eradicate extreme poverty, and ensure proper access to economic resources for all individuals around the world.
The goal of SDG 1 is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. This dashboard contains the indicators corresponding to SDG 1 according to the global framework of the United Nations. Where possible, ...
Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day The target of reducing extreme poverty rates by half was met five years ahead of the 2015 deadline.
This can, in turn, contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number one: No Poverty! Friendships that cross socio-economic boundaries can mean the difference between a ...