This includes greeting non-Muslims during their festive celebrations, as long as it aligns with Islamic principles. Mohd Sukki noted that while most ulamas advise against actions that endorse ...
The holy month of Ramadan is here. Ramandan is the time to learn and practice patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God. Send Greetings of Ramadan to all your Muslim friends. Free ...
and the company's policy in demanding a specific greeting was detrimental to Muslims. The court also disagreed with the firm's assertion that Ms Alhajeh's approach to greetings would cause a ...
although some Islamic scholars and clerics have issued a fatwa outlawing Muslims from using Christmas greeting and consider it haram due to, according to them, an indication of tacit support ...
Earlier, in a tweet today [Monday], the Prime Minister also extended warm Eid greetings to his fellow Muslim leaders over the close of holy month of Ramazan, reaffirming Pakistan's resolve to further ...