🚗 在 BMW M热血嘉年华之后,BMW 在本届广州车展上也将 BMW M 品牌的新车都带到了展台之上。 ⚡️ 首先,全新 BMW M235L 四门轿跑车和 BMW 2 系四门轿 ...
在百万级领域的性能车中,梅赛德斯奔驰C63 ...
保时捷Carrera GT,一款停产多年的手动挡超跑,近期在德国《Sport Auto》杂志视频中展现出惊人实力。在保时捷专业车手驾驶下,换上米其林新轮胎的Carrera GT以7分12秒跑完纽伯格林北环赛道,比2004年纪录快16秒,超越991 ...
The new BMW M4 GT3 has undergone over 8600 miles of testing to prepare it for customer deliveries in 2022, and now its race debut is just around the corner. The model will replace the current M6 ...
Samantha Tan will make her IMSA debut next year, having been confirmed in ST Racing’s GTDX entry in VP Racing SportsCar ...
BMW M Team Studie is set to make the switch to the new BMW M4 GT3 EVO for its 2025 SUPER GT campaign upon the new car’s ...
Struggling with a delaminating tyre, Bortolotti held off a gaggle of cars to finish second to Marco Wittmann at Zandvoort ...
TJ Hunt and his team convert a BMW M4 into a GT3-inspired track beast! After months of custom fabrication, major body modifications, and countless adjustments, the M4 GT3 is finally ready.
ST Racing is pleased to announce that team co-owner Samantha Tan will make her IMSA debut, competing in the full season of ...