The Illil of the gods, in the wrath of his heart, overthrew [hi]s rule, and [appointed] me, Sargon, as king [of Assyria]. He raised my head; he let [me] take hold of the scepter, the throne (and) the ...
Sumerian king Sargon of Akkad unites all of Mesopotamia, including the Assyrian cities. Ninevite 5 pottery belonged to a distinctive culture which dates from 2800-2400 BC and immediately predates the ...
As Ancient Legacies go, few are quite so rad as Sargon of Akkad. As Assyria's court is the King of the Universe followed ...
He was the last ethnic Sumerian king prior to the conquest of Sumer by Sargon of Akkad, and was also the only king of Uruk's third dynasty thanks to his sweeping but short-lived conquests. Despite ...