Doraemon and his friends travel to ancient Japan where they meet Kukuru. When Kukuru tells them that his tribe has been enslaved by Gigazombie, Doraemon decides to help him.
Nobita grew jealous and asked Doraemon to build him a giant robot. Coincidently, robot parts began to fall from the sky. Then Nobita and Doraemon began to assemble the robot.
Doraemon The Movie: Jadoo Mantar Aur Jahnoom, Doraemon Movie: Toofani Adventure Films Listed as Airing on Hungama TV This Week (Jul 6, 2020) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 29-May 5 (May 7 ...
Doraemon: Nobita's Resident Evil 2 (also known as Nobihaza 2) is the sequel to Doraemon: Nobita's Resident Evil, an RPG-Maker game that is set in the Resident Evil universe with characters from ...