However, a natural assumption for developing countries is that fluctuations in real commodity prices have the potential to explain a large share of changes in real exchange rates, given that so many ...
Commodity markets not only receive the impact of global shocks, but they transmit them to commodity-dependent countries around the world. This book lucidly explains how these shocks affect commodity ...
On one hand, there are renewed calls to reduce commodity dependence, defined as a situation where over 60 per cent of a country's merchandise export revenue comes from raw materials. This issue ...
Fracking has led to substantial increases in U.S. domestic oil and gas production, significantly reducing the need for oil ...
UNCTAD classifies countries as commodity-dependent if the share of primary commodity exports to total merchandise exports exceeds 60 per cent. Based on this working definition of commodity ...
The net commodity exporters—that is, the South American countries, which exhibited increasing commodity dependence and an export base highly concentrated in primary goods—have grown, on average, 4.5 ...
The US share of global imports has decreased to about 13% from around 20% in 2000. Further, as brought out in a report by the ...
More importantly, pressures will build on public finances, particularly where governments show strong dependence in commodity-related revenue (Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico), have limited ...