反坦克导弹的出现彻底改变了反坦克防御的发展历史。它显著扩大了攻击范围,提供了击中小型目标的能力(不仅限于坦克),并能够成功打击移动的敌人。苏联在60年代至70年代成功研发并装备了大量的反坦克导弹系统(ПТРК),配备了各类导弹,满足了不同的需求。尽管这些系统已有一定年限,但大多数仍然在服役。反坦克导弹系 ...
一觉醒来乌克兰又被“揍”了!这次被“揍”的地方虽不太起眼,可是影响重大!不止如此,还有一组让人震惊的数据也被公开了出来!据报道,在昨天凌晨时分位于尼古拉耶夫州的尼古拉耶夫装甲厂遭到了俄罗斯导弹的袭击;来自于尼古拉耶夫地下组织协调员谢尔盖·列别捷夫(亲 ...
A Russian organized a diversion at the front, destroying important equipment of the Russian army. He burned to the ground a ...
The successful sabotage operation was carried out near the village of Novokaterynivka in Donetsk Oblast. A Russian soldier, ...
A Russian soldier successfully executed a sabotage mission, destroying a key BRDM vehicle in Donetsk, according to the ...
A russian soldier who communicated with Ukrainian partisans from the ATESH movement burned a russian BRDM himself on the Donetsk axis. The activists of the ATESH movement told about this on Telegram. ...
The Ukrainian military on the Pokrovsk axis managed to repulse the assaults of the russians and regain their positions near ...