「比亚迪来到巴西不是为了当配角。」安图内斯说。Shark 是比亚迪在巴西推出的第六款新车,该公司正努力提升其在巴西的市场份额。其不断增长的市场份额已经引起商业竞争对手的警惕,他们纷纷大幅降价。
BYD's industrial facility in Changzhou reported January-August production and sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs) valued at more than 10 billion yuan. BYD Auto Co., Ltd. is the automotive subsidiary ...
In the first half of this year, Guangdong publicly listed enterprises excelled in research and development (R&D) investments, ranking second nationally and surpassing the average level of A-shares. St ...
8月6日,比亚迪在波兰的首家经销商门店正式开业;同期,比亚迪元UP(当地命名:BYD YUAN PRO)在智利上市;8月8日,比亚迪在泰国隆重举行BYD SEALION 6 ...
近期,比亚迪在厄瓜多尔首都基多Automundo车展上重磅推出元UP(当地命名:BYD YUAN PRO),这是比亚迪在厄瓜多尔市场发布的第七款车型。无论是初次 ...
中国央行推出了一种数字货币,将为公民所有交易提供便利。Yuan Pay是提供抢先体验该代币平台之一,Yuan Pay这篇评论将检查这个平台,以确定它是否 ...
On October 12th, Shenzhen's largest-ever graduate job fair for the year was held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition ...