In 2024, a set of images purportedly showing giant axolotl-like creatures circulated online. Two of the images showed men ...
Is there any potential problem in housing tiger salamanders with axolotls or introducing wild axolotls to the colony? Could other amphibians or reptiles housed in close proximity be affected?
华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院费继锋实验室,华中农业大学动物科技学院王恒实验室,与来自欧洲多个国家的科研人员合作,在动物基因组学和发育生物学研究领域取得新进展,对蝾螈axolotl和newt进行了基因组测序和基因编辑,这是迄今为止基因组测序 ...
This collection of axolotl salamanders has become the largest self-sustaining population in the world. The AGSC staff maintains an average breeding population of 1,000–1,200 adults, as well as a ...
After studying the axolotl for 8 years, researchers are developing a line of cosmeceutical and over-the-counter products ...
First collected as an oddity—they look remarkably different from other salamanders and live their entire lives in water, unlike most amphibians —over time, the axolotl proved a valuable lab ...
The New Jersey preschooler’s favorite animal is the axolotl, an amphibian that grows to be around nine inches long and, ...
Axolotls are a type of salamander, endemic to Mexico and only found in two places; the waterways and canals of Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco around Mexico City. They are often photographed as ...
Axolotls are peculiar pets known for their frilly gills and cute little smiles. However, these aquatic amphibians are more than just an appealing appearance. Their history, behaviors, and ...
Axolotls are able to achieve this sort of ... is that there may be some intricate difference in the salamander's cell. Salamanders may have cells that are poised, ready to take place in reaction ...
The smog and noise of Mexico City feel a world away as flotillas of trajineras, brightly decorated wooden gondolas, glide up and down the cool canals of Xochimilco. The quiet network of waterways ...