India's 10,000 km range Agni VI ICBM is expected sometime later this decade. The Surya or Agni-VI will have an initial range of 6,000 km and be capable of carrying 10 warheads.
The Agni-5 and Agni Prime missiles have been armed with this powerful technology. The striking range of Agni-5 is over 5,000 kilometers. In a single attack, the Agni-5 can destroy 10 to 14 targets.
India test-fired nuclear capable long range ballistic missile, Agni-5 from Abdul Kalam Wheeler Island off the Odisha coast today. The surface-to-surface missile developed by the Defence Research and ...
Indian smartphone maker Lava recently launched the Agni 2 5G, its latest mid-range offering in the country and the successor of the Agni smartphone that was launched in 2021. The Lava Agni 2 5G ...