免费版的midjourney对接,值得一学! 一直想找一个AI的API来对接练练手,碍于调用API都需要收费。在网上冲浪了好久,终于找到了一个免费的MidJourneyAPI,但是前端请求会有浏览器的跨域限制,所有本人对API进行了封装(根据图片生成描述接口未封装),只需要将 ...
Demo##概览 自定义了一个Draw类,支持三维场景下点、线、面、圆形、圆弧、贝塞尔曲线、贝塞尔曲面、箭头、多头箭头的绘制。支持立方体化多边形,支持通过Three.js扩展绘制虚线(不完善,由于Windows上WebGL的限制,不支持自定义线宽) ##说明 可以直接通过相对 ...
At the end of the day, prices surged after the American Petroleum Institute (API) said U.S. crude oil inventories ... Traders were looking for a modest draw of 2.99 million barrels.
30, compared with a decline of 3.4M barrels reported by the API for the previous week. Economists were expecting a decline of ...
The American Petroleum Institute (API) reported late Tuesday a draw in crude oil inventories of 5.821 million barrels for the week ending January 8. Analysts were looking for an inventory draw of ...